I have not been able to find a complete FY2019 Coast Guard budget as it was signed into law, but we do have at least a partial list of Procurement, Construction, and Improvement appropriations for ships and aircraft based on two Congressional Research Service reports (“Coast Guard Polar Security Cutter (Polar Icebreaker) Program: Background and Issues for Congress” and “Coast Guard Cutter Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress “) and a Homeland Security Today report.
$1,507.6M For Ships (LLTI refers to Long Lead Time Material):
- $675M for the first Polar Security Cutter and LLTM for the second
- $400M for the second Offshore Patrol Cutter and LLTM for the third
- $340M for six Fast Response Cutters
- $72.6M for the National Security Cutter program
- $15M for life extension work on Polar Star
- $5M for initial work on procuring an additional Great Lakes Icebreaker
$208M For Aircraft:
- $105 for the HC-130J program (I think that is one aircraft)
- $95M for MH-60T recapitalization (reworking existing aircraft I believe)
- $8M for upgrades to the MH-65s
That is $1,715M for the items above. This, hopefully, is not all. I don’t have a figure for the Waterways Commerce Cutter (a small figure at this point), no information on unmanned systems, and there should also be money to address the backlog of shoreside improvements, but this does seem to show a recognition of the real needs of the Coast Guard for recapitalization. Looks like the $2+B annually for PC&I the Coast Guard has been saying they need is within reach.
Late Note: I found what I believe is the final FY2019 PC&I appropriation in Table B-1 on page 36 of “Coast Guard Cutter Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress “ That amount was $1,886.8 or about $172M in addition to the items above.